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Cheryl Heller – Social Design, Language and Health

Episodio: 57 |
Volver al Futuro - Dixo

Cheryl Heller – Social Design, Language and Health

Episodio: 57 |

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Volver al Futuro - Dixo
Cheryl Heller – Social Design, Language and HealthVolver al Futuro
Volver al Futuro
episodio 57
Cheryl Heller – Social Design, Language and Health

In this episode we talk with Social Designer Cheryl Heller. We take on the worlds “health” and “healing” and discuss how these concepts are really pervasive in all realms of existence. Language, as a creator of worlds, must be interrogated so that we know who gets to choose which words are used to define individual, social, economic and planetary healing. We talk about the evolving role of designers, the role of super-

experts and super-generalists and the problematics when we try to build interdisciplinary academic and business institutions. We also discuss the feeling of separation between humans and nature, and how this perceived split must be overcome in an ontological and pragmatic way.  

Cheryl Heller founded the first MFA program in Social Design at the SVA. She is President of the Measured Lab and founder of the design lab CommonWise. She received theAIGA Lifetime Medal and is also aRockefeller Bellagio Fellow. Her book, The Intergalactic Design Guide, is a 

manual for anyone wanting to use design to create a resilient future. 

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