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Dr. Rupa Marya – Deep Medicine: Healing the wounds of colonialism through food, community, music and story

Episodio: 122 |
Volver al Futuro - Dixo

Dr. Rupa Marya – Deep Medicine: Healing the wounds of colonialism through food, community, music and story

Episodio: 122 |

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Volver al Futuro - Dixo
Dr. Rupa Marya – Deep Medicine: Healing the wounds of colonialism through food, community, music and storyVolver al Futuro
Volver al Futuro
episodio 122
Dr. Rupa Marya – Deep Medicine: Healing the wounds of colonialism through food, community, music and story

We shared this episode with doctor and musician Rupa Marya. While society requires us to pick just one path for our professional life, we need to give ourselves permission to choose many paths and find a way to make it our own. Music and Medicine are not separate, arguably, their separation might be one of the reasons we live in a sick society and a sick planet. Deep Medicine is an acknowledgment that health is really a phenomenon that emerges out of systems harmonizing well together so it specifically requires an analysis of power and an understanding of how structures are set in place that predispose certain groups to poor health. The “social determinants of health” do help in showing these relationships but they lack a deeper level of analysis, exposition and even activism. We also spoke about Death and Grieving as portals for regeneration; about the Exposome and the way that collective stories are part of it; and about the richness of ancestral knowledge and how to make space for it to co-evolve with our modern western cosmologies. Rupa´s projects can be found on her website and her book Inflamed. Dr. Rupa Marya is a physician, activist, writer, mother and composer. She is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of California and a co-founder of the Do No Harm Coalition. Her work sits at the nexus of climate, health and racial justice. She is the co-author of the book Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice.